Monday, April 20, 2020

"The Coronavirus Doesn’t Have a Social Message"

Andrew Sullivan contemplates plagues.

There are days when I appreciate how deeply our social and political divides are rooted, even in the face of a deadly epidemic. But there are also days when I hope that the human experience of sickness, death, and grief will help us to see what we have in common rather than what we don’t. And that the collective nature of this experience might help restore a sense of citizenship that has no marker of divisive identity. In an epidemic, we are humans first. No one is to blame. Everyone is at risk. And only relentless, pragmatic empiricism offers a sane path forward.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


This week the New York Times is reminding us of lots of problems this country is dealing with. Some, like inequality, have been around for centuries and is intensified by Covid-19. Likewise, the post office has been on the edge before this, but now is in more danger. And the job loss created by this pandemic is serious and is not being dealt with in a way that helps government and medical workers. Plus, our health care system needs improvement. I plan to send out at least one message this week to my senators and representative. I hope you do too.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Question

"…why do the wealthiest institutions in our society appear to manage their balance sheets less prudently than many middle-class Americans?"

This is the question asked by Leo E. Strine and Dorothy S. Lund. Good question.