Monday, May 27, 2013

Twelve Articles About Guns

Here, “Slate partners with @GunDeaths for an interactive, crowdsourced tally of the toll firearms have taken since Dec. 14.”  For example, the number for today, May 27, is 4,387.  It’s as simple as that and serves as a reminder of why something needs to change.

2. “The Cultural Fight for Guns” by Adam Gopnik.
Here Gopnik explains the tenets of our gun culture.  It’s an articulate argument written by an observer but not a member of the so-called gun culture.

3. “Armed Correlations” by Adam Gopnik.
Gopnik argues that there is a strong correlation between strong gun laws and less gun violence, and in this case, correlation is related to causation. 

4. “The Gun Report” by Joe Nocera.
Nocera provides a daily report of news about guns.

5. “Battleground America:One Nation, under the Gun” by Jill Lepore.   
This is one of those long New Yorker articles.  It was published in April of 2012 before Sandy Hook but after Trayvon Martin.  Lepore provides an interesting history of gun regulation, gun attitudes, and gun tragedies.

6. “Regulate Guns Like Cars” by Carl Gibson.
The title gives you the gist of the argument.  Gibson, unlike some of the other writers, owns and enjoys guns (and cars).

7. “The Simple Truth about Gun Control” by Adam Gopnik.
Gopnik talks about the element of opportunity present in criminal behavior.  More control of guns, he says, will lessen the opportunities for gun crimes.  

8. “The NRA Is Wrong: The Myth of Illegal Guns” by Matthew Parker.
Here Parker also makes the argument that serious background checks would create hurdles that could reduce some gun misuse.  Parker writes from the perspective of a convicted felon. 

9.  “Guns Need Food,Starve Them” by Marc Ambinder.
Ambinder suggests regulating ammunition.  Ammunition, unlike guns, deteriorates and must be replaced.

10. “So You Think You Know the Second Amendment” by Jeffrey Toobin.
Toobin explains how, in the 1970s, a new interpretation of the Second Amendment evolved.

11.  “Who Is the NRA Leadership.”
This site “shines a light on the background of members of NRA leadership, in large part by allowing them to comment on the issues of the day in their own words. It is intended as a resource for those who cherish moderation, civility and principled advocacy in American politics.” 

12. “How The Gun Industry Funnels Tens Of Millions Of Dollars ToThe NRA” by Walter Hickey.
Once again, the title explains the main point.

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