Saturday, March 30, 2013

Guns, More than a Correlation

Countries with stricter gun laws than those of the United States have fewer gun deaths.  Cause or correlation?  Adam Gopnik says, “it’s hard to find a more robust correlation in the social sciences than the one between gun laws and gun violence.”  Then he goes on to discuss all the reasons we should take this correlation seriously.  His article is so thorough, so well-written, I don’t want to say more.  I want you to read it; then take at least one small action.


Possible small actions—


Write or call legislator.  The group Moms Demand Action has instructions here.


Write a letter to the newspaper.  I have heard these letters get good attention from your legislators. 


Join a lobbying group such as Moms Demand Action above or Gabby Gifford and Mark Kelly’s group Americans for Responsible Solutions.


What else?

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