Saturday, June 22, 2013

Change Happens

Exodus International, a Christian group that offered therapy to "cure" homosexuality reported this week they were ending this work.   Exodus President Alan Chambers offered this explanation and apology. 
Exodus is an institution in the conservative Christian world, but we’ve ceased to be a living, breathing organism.  For quite some time we’ve been imprisoned in a worldview that’s neither honoring toward our fellow human beings, nor biblical. From a Judeo-Christian perspective, gay, straight or otherwise, we’re all prodigal sons and daughters. Exodus International is the prodigal’s older brother, trying to impose its will on God’s promises, and make judgments on who’s worthy of His Kingdom. God is calling us to be the Father – to welcome everyone, to love unhindered. 
There were a lot of stories about this yesterday, but I read it first at The Dish by Andrew Sullivan who himself is openly gay.  I was moved by the words of both Chambers and Sullivan.  Later in the day, I was moved again when Facebook Joel Barrett friend posted this:

 I spent the first 32 years of my life living in fear, shame and self-hatred. I was miserable and unhealthy. I sat in church and listened to the mocking, hatred and venom spewed from the pulpit and from those around me. I knew I could never let anyone know who [I] really was. I spent much of my life wishing I was dead and considered taking my own life. In my quest to change who I was so I could become who I was told I was SUPPOSED to be I spent 2 1/2 years in ex-gay therapy through Exodus International. I felt like the poster boy of ex-gay ministry. I read the books, listened to the speakers, prayed the prayers, went through the therapy, tried the techniques. Ironically in that process I learned the value of living authentically and openly....just not in the way they envisioned. Finally I got the courage to BE WHO I AM no matter what the cost! It cost me my relationship with my siblings and my parents, my marriage, most of my friends and my career at that time. Today as I continue to ponder the news of Exodus International closing I want to restate my commitment to live authentically and openly to the world around me. I want nothing more than to shout from the mountain tops, "I HAVE NO REGRETS! BE YOU! LIFE WAS MEANT TO BE LIVED!" I will do everything to help others who may be living in fear and shame. I will share my story with anyone. I am writing it now and am happy to come speak to your group or organization. Today I rejoice that Exodus is no more! (PS, Family is created by choice.)

What else it there to say?

(Joel Barrett is available for speaking engagements at

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