Thursday, November 03, 2005

Paranoid or Pronoid?

In one of his books, the Dalai Lama challenges readers to go just ten minutes without having a negative thought about another person. When I told this to my acquaintance Arthur, he said, "What a simplistic, overrated fraud that Dalai Lama dude is. It's totally easy to go ten minutes without dissing someone." Your assignment, Libra, is to submit to a marathon version of the challenge: See if you can go seven whole days without having a negative thought about anyone. His Holiness implies there's a good selfish reason for doing so: It helps you cultivate a state of mind in which peaceful contentment is a natural condition.

The above is my horoscope for today according to Rob Brezsny’s Free Will Astrology. He site also promotes pronoia, the opposite of paranoia. “A ‘pronoiac’ is someone who believes that the world is conspiring to shower him or her with blessings.” You can see more at

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