Thursday, November 06, 2014

We're all addicted to something, aren't we?

I was introduced to this song recently when my daughter put it on a CD mix she made for my birthday.  I don’t know why she selected it.  Many of the other songs on the CD connected to memories and interests of mine.  The song seemed connected to nothing though I thought it had an interesting and enjoyable sound.  Who can’t relate to the sassy “No! No! No!”?

Then I did a little investigation.  The singer, Amy Winehouse, died in 2011 from alcohol poisoning.  Now there’s irony, tragedy, and sadness.  I was stunned by her confidence in the song and her eventual fate.

I still enjoy the song, but it makes me think about the struggles we all face.  A friend of mine just got caught again driving under the influence.  I think it was number 16.

I’ve never been caught driving under the influence, but I have my addictions, my escape strategies from I don’t even know what.  I’m sad for what Winehouse lost and sad for what we all lose to whatever it is we’re addicted to.

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