Thursday, April 16, 2015

Over Reaction Maybe?

Some interesting tidbits from Charles Blow’s column today:
“White men represent just a third of the U.S. population, but about 60 percent of adults with guns in America today are white men.” (U.S. New & World Report)
“If you’re a Christian or a white man in the U.S.A., it’s open season on you. Therefore, Hillary Clinton has an advantage.” (Bill O’Reilly
“…when [Obama]’s finished, he intends to go out with the coronation of Hillary Rodham Clinton. Yeah, I have to tell you, eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough.”

Monday, April 13, 2015

Happy Tax Day

I’m feeling pleased this tax time as I finished my taxes two weeks ago—a check to the state and a request for a refund from the feds.  Here John Oliver crudely defends the IRS.  Listen if you like, or, skip to 13.51 and hear Michael Bolten sing a love song to the IRS:  "How are we supposed to live without you?..."

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

A Shower of Ions

The 10,000-years old Niagara Falls are the dramatic result of the Niagara River encountering a 188 food drop in height as the Great Lakes race along the river on their way to the ocean.  I spent last weekend in Niagara Falls, Canada, in a pleasant state of awe.  Some say that ions are created by so much falling water, ions that cause happy feelings (and therefore a good honeymoon location).  I have no idea if that corresponds with science, but that amazing rush of water roaring over a cliff did make me happy.