Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Transformation Stories

I spent last week in Germany, and in getting ready for the trip, I wanted a book about Germany for airplane and rest-time reading.  I chose Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown.  Boys tells the story of the Seattle rowing team that won a gold medal in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin.  The crew team consists of young working class boys, many poor and struggling financially to stay in college.   

It is the story of their transformation into world champion athletes, but it is the story of a second darker transformation as well.  We learn how Hitler and his advisers turned Berlin into a model city.  Some of the dirt is literally whitewashed and some of it, such as signs reading “No Jews Allowed,” is removed and hidden away for later. I was moved by the first transformation and repelled by the
second.  I recommend this book though I’m not sure I recommend it for a German trip.  I was too aware of this hideous history as I traveled .  I had to remind myself that my country did not have a spotless past either.

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