Friday, October 30, 2015

Sweet Trivia

In 2011, Ruth Bader Ginsberg received an honorary degree from Harvard University.  Fellow degree recipient sang the final part of the presentation.  It just seems trivial and sweet and says something reassuring about this world we live in.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Everything Is Go

For the last couple of months, I’ve been going to a spinning class at my gym and, surprisingly, liking it a lot.  I’m amazed at how it engages me on so many levels.  First, it is strenuous exercise.  Then there’s the instructor, who happens to be my daughter, calmly giving instructions.  She plays fun peppy music.  And I can keep track of my heart rate on the bike’s monitor, and from time-to-time, projected anonymously on the screen in front of the class.  The touch that really completes this experience for me are the videos projected on the screen when it’s not showing statistics.  Exercising is the only time I can imagine myself watching a filmed bicycle race, but it is the frosting on my exercising cake.  I like being in a class with exercisers of a variety of ages and fitness levels.  Add to this images of highly competitive cyclists racing through the European countryside. It makes my forty-five minute exercise class a pleasure.

If you live in South Bend, you can take this class at Memorial Health and Lifestyles.  Buy a membership or just purchase a 6-class pass for $48 and attend any of the Health & Lifestyle Center's classes!