Monday, October 05, 2015

How to write your legislators

If you haven't done this before, it can be intimidating. This post is written partly to motivate me to get writing again.   First, I need to find the address.  When I Googled my representative, I typed in “Jackie Warlorski.”  I got her website which provided a form where I could paste my message and send.  There was no direct email or postal address.  I usually email messages or use the form embedded in their pages.  Mailing an letter takes more of my time and takes longer to arrive.  Also, I’ve heard the envelopes must be tested for poisons before they are delivered.  However, I decided I wanted this message to be mailed. So I Googled “Jackie Walorski office address,” and received the information I needed.

I tend to write short letters.  I often quote from an article I’ve read and add a few sentences of my own. 
That’s what I’ve done in the sample below:

The Honorable Jackie Walorski
United States House of Representatives
419 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-1402

Dear Ms. Walorski:

Adam Gopnik has written the following about gun deaths:

Gun control is not a panacea, any more than penicillin was. Some violence will always go on. What gun control is good at is controlling guns. Gun control will eliminate gun massacres in America as surely as antibiotics eliminate bacterial infections….those who oppose it have made a moral choice: that they would rather have gun massacres of children continue rather than surrender whatever idea of freedom or pleasure they find wrapped up in owning guns or seeing guns owned…

It’s time to take seriously the scourge of gun deaths in the United States.  The Gun Violence Archives reports that as of October 5, 2015, 10,050 people have been killed by guns this year.  10,050.  And you are in a position to reduce those numbers for the future.  Help protect the citizens of the United States and Indiana by promoting some sane restrictions on guns.  The restrictions imposed on automobile driving could be a good model to start with.


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