Friday, July 29, 2016

Just say her name and !!!

The morning after Michelle Obama's speech at the Democratic convention, I posted the statement below on FaceBook. I thought the whole conversation that followed had much to say about how we communicate and what does and does not worked. Even the fact that I said I was awed was unclear: Was I referring to Obama or slavery?

Me: Awed by this statement from Michelle Obama last night: “I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves.” July 26 at 8:11am

Respondent 1: Me too. July 26 at 10:53am

Respondent 2: I agree.

Respondent 3: Totally inaccurate . Perhaps that's why she goes on vacation so often.

Respondent 4: 3, maybe you're confusing your facts. Who did rebuild it after the British burned it down? July 26 at 4:17pm

Respondent 3: I assumed (bad to do) what was being referred to was the original building. Alas, I never thought about the RE-building after the British burned it down ( native guilt ?) [3 is from the UK] July 26 at 4:27pm

Respondent 5: It is accurate... it's in the history books! Like · 1 · July 26 at 1:43pm

Respondent 6: Those who ignore history are .... Republicans. Like · 2 · July 26 at 3:34pm

Respondent 7: Oh, good one, 6. You are too clever by a mile . . . July 27 at 4:55 pm

Respondent 3: SOME slaves were involved--but they were PAID. The planning--architecturural and other--- was done by others and so was a great deal of the skilled work, These are facts. Since 6 couldn't resist politcizing the discussion---yawn, sigh---I wouldn't try to claim historical amnesia belongs in the Republican camp to any great degree after listening to decades of--shall we say fact twisting and embroidery at which the left seem more adept----and why not ? Practise makes perfect they say. Like · Reply · 1 · July 26 at 4:24pm

Respondent 6: You should write for politicians. Your presentation is much better than what we get from many candidates - from any camp.

Respondent 7: So what's your point, 3? If they were "true slaves" they shouldn't have been paid? They weren't smart enough to do the skilled work or the design? Yeah, you should write for politicians. This was quite a twist. Don't even have to read between the lines . . .

Respondent 8: The money did not go to the slaves -- I was just in DC and toured the White House. The slaves' masters received payment. It is described in our nations records as "Negro hire" which was the term used for rental of slaves. They were rented from their masters who owned them. It was commonly done at the time but still important for us to recognize today that it did happen.· July 27 at 10:30am

Respondent 3: Thank you 8. · July 27 at 10:49am

Respondent 9: I think Michelle would make a great Cabinet member. And since her husband will be stuck in Washington serving on the Supreme Court, she'll be in the neighborhood.

Respondent 5: I think she would be great in the Supreme Court...

Respondent 3: If I were that talented I'd far rather write books---non- fiction, and funny.If you are not pulling my leg, then I thank you for your kind words. If you are pulling my leg, I don't mind. The spell check wotsit has fits at some of my Brit-spelling--and practically apoplexy when I write in dialects like cockney.It's as much fun to tease or disobey as the G P S when I refuse to follow it's directions.

Respondent 6: I do enjoy your posts even when I disagree. Unlike ·1 · July 26 at 8:06pm

Respondent 10: Did you watch the commencement speech she gave at City College NY? Very inspiring...and that line you quoted is part of it. July 27 at 12:02am

Respondent 7: Michelle Obama is fantastic! I was thinking maybe the first BLACK WOMAN PRESIDENT? Like · 2 · July 27 at 9:16am

Respondent 3: Au contraire, 't'is you who do the twisting. I merely ponted out that history records they were paid as workmen I did not live then, make the rules or policies or have any part or say in it, neither did I cause the War of the Roses, The Great Plague, or have any say in the fate of Jimmy Hoffa.

Respondent 11: "Awed" is a strange choice of word. Connotes something positive to me, which this is the polar opposite of. "Stunned", perhaps. Stunned and appalled. Yesterday at 11:51am

Me: I already knew that slaves helped build it, so I was awed at how perfectly Michelle could communicate this country's evolution, even if we might like it to be better.

Respondent 5: She was so emotional when she said that....23 hrs

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