Tuesday, January 31, 2017

More Wall?

If immigration reform were easy, it would have been settled years ago. I do not have the answer. Thank goodness I don't have to. One of the solutions Mr. Trump is promoting is a wall. It seems to me the place to start would be visiting much of the border, talking to lots of people, and doing lots of other research. If Mr. Trump has done this, he gives no sign of it. The New York Times published this intriguing picture below of the wall separating Nogales, Mexico and Nogales, Arizona and writes about the situation in that area.
CNN published a number of photos including the pictures below of this 1,934 mile long border..

An editorial in the Arizona Daily Star says, "We understand the emotional appeal of building a wall to solve difficult problems in the U.S. immigration system and national security — just build a wall to keep the bad people out, problem solved! — but we must deal in facts." While this piece is an editorial, it includes a lot of basic facts to help you make a decision as to the effectiveness of more wall.

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