Friday, April 21, 2017

Where Are We Now?

On April 14, Leonard-Pitts-Jr. wrote

I don’t feel particularly hopeful [about our country] and I am angry. Everything that has happened since January 20th has only reinforced my pessimism. I worry for the future of this country in a way I never have before. With the possible exception of the 1850s — the decade preceding the Civil War — we have simply never been this divided. Frankly, I don’t know if reconciliation is possible. I’m beginning to wonder if it’s even desirable.
There are a lot of reasons why I have been staying away from this blog. This discouragement is a small piece of it. And I don't know if it is bad as Pitts says it is, but there seems to be no cooperation between are two major parties, and that does feel bad.

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