Wednesday, May 17, 2017

If Mr. USA went to a Therapist

I've just started Mary Pipher's Writing to Change the World (2006). It has, so far, inspired me to write a letter to my senator. Pipher herself is a psychologist, therapist, and writer. In 2004, she wrote what she called an “Assessment Report on Mr. USA.” Below are some excerpts:
Client Name: Mr. United States of America Address: Western Hemisphere, North of the Equator, Planet Earth
Description of client: Mr. USA was born July 4, 1776, and was 228 years old at the time of this assessment. He appeared as a well-dressed, rather heavy, middle-aged man with a somewhat arrogant manner. Still, he had moments when he was charming, humorous, and appealingly open....
Presenting Problem: Mr. USA made this appointment two years after an assault on September 11, 2001, that caused him great physical harm and mental anguish. This tragedy...has forced him to confront his mental health issues. As this client's life has spiraled out of control, his colleagues at the United Nations have encouraged him to seek therapy....

History: Mr. USA reports a happy early childhood, but, overall, he's had a turbulent and violent life. He comes from a family that values education, art, and music. However, he lacks discipline and, given his opportunities, isn't as well-educated as he might be...During the early decades of his life, Mr. USA was in fights, but not seriously injured. When he was in his eighties, he was in a violent altercation that he refers to as the Civil War. Scars from that event still fester....Mr. USA values independence over connection, and freedom over obligations and commitments. He boasts of his Declaration of Independence and War of Independence, and he calls his birthday Independence Day. He crafted a Bill of Rights, but no corresponding Bill of Responsibilities. He's a doer, not a thinker, and fares better with men than with women. He has trouble sharing, compromising, and keeping his promises. His bullying and tantrums have soured numerous relationships. He has an unreasonable, perhaps delusional, view of how he's perceived. He likes to see himself as altruistic, but many of his choices have harmed his fellow nations....

More of this document is here. As far as I know, you need the book for all of it.

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