Friday, June 15, 2018

We dodged bullets (and body bags) in Indiana last week,” wrote Brian Howey after a school schooter attacked in Noblesville, Indiana but didn't manage to kill anyone. Howey made some interesting comments about the sad state of school safety including this:
Hoosier parents are now demanding “hardened” schools, which will come at a big cost to taxpayers. Consider it a payment to protect unfettered gun rights in a nation awash in firearms. There are more guns in the United States than people. There have been 23 school shootings in the first 21 weeks of this year to date, resulting in at least 34 deaths. Dozens more have been wounded. Noblesville students described the scene on Friday as “sheer chaos.” A parent told WTHR-TV, “This is a war on our kids.”
I'm a little late posting this.

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