Monday, January 19, 2009

An Email from a Student

I received the following email about 2/3-3/4 into last semester. I still haven't figured out if the sender was serious or not. He never came back to class.

Hey mrs. Hardy so this is kinda a weird email. with the snow falls tonight reaching a foot i doubt ill be in class tomorow, i drive a sports car and it is actually going to be moved down to atlanta next week, since i will b e moving there in about 4 weeks. but the point is that it cant drive in this snow. i know this isnt a big worry for you but with me having a few accidents last year in the snow im too scared to drive in it. and since im moving sooner than usual my parents wont buy me the SUV i want for some reason. With me already having taken 131 im full aware of the expectations for essay four and since i will pass this semester i was wondering if i can mail you a hard copy and email you a copy. This would allow me to not have to come to class again unless the weather permitted. I guess this is me hoping my request is persuasive enough for you to grant me such a prvielage. I do appretiate alot that you have taught me this year and as english teahcers go you have been one of my favs. Hope to get an aswer from you soon. sorry for the inconveniece and weather permitting ill be in class tommorow. ill just see how bad the roads are early tomorrow. thanks for your time

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