Thursday, January 15, 2009

Why We Do Theraphy

...There, paying dearly for fifty minutes, the client gropes for a sense of coherence and mattering. The therapist listens, not so much explaining as simply fostering the possiblity of resonance. She allows the long pauses and silences--a bold subversion of societyal expectations--because only where silence in possible can the vertical engagement take place.
(from Sven Birkets in The Gutenber Elegies)

But if you desire to see into your own depths and interpret them more adequately, then you will have to talk to somebody who has seen those depths before and helped others interpret them more adequately. In this intersubject dialogue with a therapeutic helper, you will hold hands and walk the path of moe adequate interpretations...and the more clearly you can interpret and articulate this depth, the less baffling you will become to yourself, the clearer you will become to yourself, the more transparent you will be.
(from Ken Wilber in A Brief History of Everything)

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