Saturday, September 24, 2011

An Inexplicable Gift

On Sunday this week I learned from the map that there would be much up and down hiking on our day´s walk. I decided I needed to find a walking stick.

There weren´t many choices, and finally I stepped down from the path and picked up a five-foot stick with many little branches sticking out. I started pulling off the branches and asked Grace to help when two hikers came by. One of the young men had a set of metal Nordic hiking poles, and he reaced down with one of them and handed it to me. I took it, thanked him, and asked if he would be in Rabenal that night so I could return the pole.

He said yes and took off down the path. At the time, I had a feeling I would never see him again, and I haven´t.

Nancy says you find what you need on the Camino de Santiago. I´ve scoffed, but when I think about this gift, it has a certain otherworldly quality that makes me a little uneasy.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Lovely mystical encounter, MA. Feels like the essence of pilgrimage.