Friday, September 09, 2011

It´s just like meditation

I am in Najara tonight. Hiked 20 km today. It´s been a day full of excitment, beauty, frustration, physical exhileration and exhaustion, peace, community, lonliness, and boredom. Passed many vineyards full of fruit. Looks ready to harvest to me, but what do I know?

Also, passed a pomegranite tree. Some blooms the color of the fruit and some fruit. Very beautiful. Fig trees too. And a wonderful green bean dish as the first plate at lunch.

This afternoon sat by the river with friends from Canada and South Africa. One Canadian commented. This scene could be anywhere--the river, the trees, the birds and plants, the sounds of children.



Unknown said...

The only true voyage would be not to visit strange lands, but to possess other eyes.
- Marcel Proust -

Unknown said...

The only true voyage would be not to visit strange lands, but to possess other eyes.
- Marcel Proust -