Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Do You Remember This?

The reason I have such a good memory for names is because I took that Sam Carnegie
course.  –Anthony  Quinn
 If you want things to stay as they are, things will have to change.  –Giuseppe Di Lampedusa
I have a memory like an elephant.  In fact, elephants often consult me.   –Noël Coward
 I sometimes worry about my short attention span, but not for very long.   –Herb Caen

I was recently told I should work on improving my memory.  And of course I always do what I’m told.  A new and better calendar was a good start.  Now, this week, I have been checking out some books on the topic.  The goofy wisdom above is from one of those books.  Some of this advice appears to be stuff I've heard before.  I do think I shall make improvements.  But friends, don’t expect miracles.

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