Saturday, January 19, 2013

Stupid Games!!

I have, at times in my life, been addicted to computer solitaire games.  Spider was the worst.  Presently, I'm in recovery, but I have to be careful.  Because of this, I was intrigued by the article "Just One More Game...Angry Birds, Farmville, and Other Hyperadictive 'Stupid Games'" by Same Anderson.  Anderson  tries to figure out why these games are so addictive; I'm not sure he succeeds, but I love this description of these damn stupid games.
Stupid games, on the other hand, are rarely occasions in themselves. They are designed to push their way through the cracks of other occasions. We play them incidentally, ambivalently, compulsively, almost accidentally. They’re less an activity in our day than a blank space in our day; less a pursuit than a distraction from other pursuits. You glance down to check your calendar and suddenly it’s 40 minutes later and there’s only one level left before you jump to the next stage, so you might as well just launch another bird.

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