Saturday, April 05, 2014


From the First Unitarian of South Bend’s Facebook page:  “Freedom from debt is one form of liberation I seek. What about you?”  My answer, I’d like to be free of the urge to complain.  I even want to stop complaining about people who complain a lot.

A few minutes later, there is this from Tricycle: The Buddhist Review:

Whenever we find fault with others, whether through anger, contemptuous certainty, self-righteousness, or gossip, it is often based in fear. We may not be aware of our fears, but when we look deeply, we may discover the fear of rejection, loss of control, of unworthiness, or the fear of disconnection. But refraining alone is not enough—by itself it is just behavior modification—and it is neither healing nor transformative. Only through uncovering and consciously entering into the deep hole inside, welcoming the fear with curiosity and compassion, can we ultimately reconnect with the basic wholeness of our true nature. —Ezra BaydaDefault

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