Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Procrastination, Have You No Limits?

“Sleep Procrastination” is a concept Betsy Morais discusses at the New Yorker site.  I imagine you know what it means.  I suppose there are some people who don’t ever put off going to bed because of trivial distractions.  Mmorais says that studies show that “people who have low self-regulation skills are more likely to keep watching the late night movie, or play yet another computer game despite knowing they might regret it the next morning when waking up tired.”  Okay, that might be me.  But often, I keep reading or working a Sudoku or whatever while I wait for that signal from my body that tells me, “Yes, I can sleep now.”  Sleep procrastination is an interesting concept, maybe even helpful, but sometimes, sleep is just frustratingly illusive. 

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