Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Sad Anniversary of Sandy Hook

On December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza shot and killed 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.  Shortly after that I revived this blog and posted  information about guns and gun regulation along with suggestions for ways I thought gun use in this country could be safer.  I wrote letters to elected officials asking for change.  Two years later national regulations have not progressed though some states have made progress.  I became discouraged.  Some even believe the country has become more pro-gun these last two years.
Here in South Bend, a few Sundays ago on the anniversary of Sandy Hook, there was a community forum held as a culminating event for the annual Gun Violence Prevention Sabbath, organized by Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence, partnering with Mamas Against Violence and Community for Peace and Nonviolence.  I have been so lethargic about the issue I almost didn’t go.  However, I did, and it was a moving event that re-energized my commitment to gun safety.

The event was, first of all, a remembrance of all victims and survivors of gun violence, especially local violence here in South Bend.  A number of speakers talked of their experiences of losing a loved one to gun violence. However, the forum was also a call to action and legislatures and law enforcement people spoke as well.  I will write about more of this information in future posts.  For now, here is a site to help you find some your politicians at the state level.
Read about the above sculpture here.

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