Thursday, January 01, 2015

Indiana, Flunking Gun Safety

I wrote yesterday about the community forum in South Bend on gun violence.  The statistics copied below are from a footnoted handout received at the event.
 Indiana is one of ten states where deaths due to firearms are outpacing motor vehicle deaths.
40% of all firearms sold in the U.S. fall through the cracks of the gun show and internet sales loopholes for private sales,

Indiana does not require private sellers at gun shows and on the internet to submit to a background check.  That means that thousands of firearms fall into the hands of felons or the severely mentally ill.

The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence gave Indiana an “F” for the strength of its gun law

In 2011, Indiana was the leading out-of-state source of guns used in crimes in Illinois, supplying over three times more crime guns than the second-highest source state.
Indiana needs work. Write your state legislators and ask to have these loopholes closed.

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