Thursday, December 03, 2015

"a political choice"

After the shooting at Sandy Hook, I started writing a lot on this blog about gun regulation and safety.  Now, I have nothing else to say; I’m just tired.  I did write my representative and senators this morning asking that they star working for federal funding to study ways to increase gun safety.


On the other hand, Ezra Klein is very articulate.  Here is the beginning of his article at Vox.

"This is a political choice that we make to allow this to happen every few months in America," President Obama said. "We collectively are answerable to those families who lose their loved ones because of our inaction."

The occasion for Obama's speech was a mass shooting. But which mass shooting? The shooting on June 18, 2015, that killed nine in Charleston, South Carolina? The shooting on May 23, 2014, that killed six in Isla Vista, California? The shooting on July 20, 2012, that left 12 dead in Aurora, Colorado? Was it Wednesday's shooting in San Bernardino, California?
In this case, it was the shooting in Roseburg, Oregon, that left nine dead on October 1, 2015. But it could have been any of the 351 mass shootings that have happened in the past 335 days. It could have been any of the more than 1,040 mass shootings that have happened since a gunman opened fire on Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012, killing 27.

Read the rest here.

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