Friday, March 25, 2016

Cheaper than a Prius

Here's an interesting and money-saving way to help the environment. 
Around 80 percent of the protein we consume comes from animals, he says, in the form of meat, eggs, or dairy. And those creatures need a lot of resources to become food. A third a pound of hamburger requires 660 gallons of water to produce, if you include the irrigation needed for the feed. Raising animals for people contributes to a bevy of environmental plagues, including deforestation, water contamination, loss of biodiversity, and desertification. Of the more than 25 percent of all greenhouse gases attributed to the food system, 80 percent come from producing livestock. (Maddie Oatman, Mother Jones)
This comes from a longer article that explains that most of us consume more protein that needed. Changing your diet--it's cheaper than a Prius or a windmill.
Happy Easter.

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