Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Decisions, Decisions

I have been rereading parts of Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard by Chip Heath and Dan Heath. I guess it could fall in to the self-help genre, but what makes it particularly interesting to me is reports on research and studies that help us identify barriers to change. I have been reading it this time from the perspective of ways this research could help my dyslexic grandson improve his reading. As I watched him read and write today, I was aware of how many decisions he needed to make every time he read or wrote. “Is it this or that?” So much of it is not automatic to him. Over and over again, he must ask, “Is it this or that?” And over and over, he must struggle with self control. The authors emphasize that both self-control and decision making are exhausting. No wonder my grandson is reluctant to read and write; it's tiring work. And no wonder I'm procrastinating with a writing project right now. It's at the stage where many decisions are required.

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