Tuesday, May 24, 2016

To Sleep...

I just started reading The Sleep Revolution by Arianna Huffington. Here are two interesting passages from the introduction.
...do you know what happens if you type the words “why am I” into Google? Before you can type the next word, Google's autocomplete function—based on the most common searches—helpfully offers to finish your thought. The first suggestion: “why am I so tired?”

I'm confident you will come away from this exploration with a newfound respect for sleep. But you may also find yourself beginning a love affair with it. We need to reclaim this special realm—not just because sleep makes us better at our jobs (thought there's that) and not just because it makes us healthier in every way (there is that, too) but also because of the unique way it allows us to connect with a deeper part of ourselves. Because when we are asleep, the things that define our identity when we-re awake—our jobs, our relationships, our hopes our fear—recede. And that makes possible one of the lease discussed benefits (or miracles, really) of sleep: the way it allows us, once we return from our night's journey, to see the world anew, with fresh eyes and a reinvigorated spirit, to step out of time and come back to our lives restored...

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