Thursday, May 10, 2007

Step by Step

May 9, 2007

Tonight, I am, as I was last night, in a small refugio which will serve a dinner to all. It has been a relaxing afternoon here. I was resting in the yard when 5-6 men rode up on beautiful horses. I understand that they are going to do a week on the camino, starting at Roncesvalles and ending around Leon. By the time I went inside and came back with my camera, the horses were unsaddled and being hosed down. Now, from inside, I hear occasional horse noises. They also have a small RV and driver carrying supplies.

I walked the first couple of hours this morning alone and then a couple of hours with a Canadian couple. There are a fair number of Canadians on my path. In the last couple of days, I have seen one American (from Florida but born in East Chicago, IN). The Canadian woman doesn´t want to talk to him. She says he reminds her of George Bush. It is interesting to be a minority in this international group. No one has said how much they appreciate American foreign policy.

I have acquired a painful blister on a toe, so I have sucumbed to a traditional camino cure. You go through the blister with a needle and thread (like one stitch) and then leave the thread in to aid drainage. We´ll see if this works tomorrow.

¡Buen camino! Good path!

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