Sunday, May 13, 2007

Welcome Brook

May 12, 2007

Yesterday was a long rather ugly walk into Burgos. Kilometer after kilometer of industry and car dealershlips. Then we entered a more attractive downtown shopping and business area. Finally we entered the old part of the city built around a Gothic Cathedral (building started in 800 I think). There is a river through this part, beautiful trees, sculptures, plazas, and outdoor tables for eating and drinking. I went first to the municipal refugio because that was the place Brook and I were meeting. We arrived within 15 minutes of each other. She is struggling a bit with jet lag.

We walked 20k today and are staying in a small town called Hornillos del Camino. It feels like a combination of Southern Indiana farms and Spain--mainly wheat. We are entering a new region, more flat, more devoted to grain. I didn´t see a single vineyard today and maybe not the day before either.

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