Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Vote for "Obamacare"

“… the right has dominated the Obamacare public debate through blunt rhetorical force,” says Jonathan Chait.  While mainstream health analysis publications are cautiously optimistic about the benefits of the bill, realizing they cannot predict the future, a large group of conservatives express no doubt as to their predictions.  Chait worries that these doomsday predictions of the right may contribute to its failure. He says, "The predictions of a train wreck are intended to precipitate one."

 To me, this extreme effort to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act seems like a repudiation of democracy.  I have written my house representative and requested she drop this obsession and move on to more creative governing endeavors.  I don’t have high expectations for this, but I believe in voting, even when I think my candidate or issue will lose. 

 It’s easy to contact your representative. Google their names and go to their gov website. Usually they have a “contact me” option. Write a few sentences and click send.  That’s it—interesting how long I can procrastinate dong such an easy little thing.

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