Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Committee Members and Tomatoes

Recently I did some committee work with a woman who seemed to have a negative comment and prediction about everything.  It didn’t take long before her comments began to irritate me.  In a small way, they became painful.  Then I felt bad about my thoughts, and that “You’re too judgmental recording,” started playing.  I managed to stop myself from doing a little internal rant about her personality deficiencies. 

Later I thought about tomatoes.  I really don’t like the taste of raw tomatoes.  It’s not a judgment; to me, they’re just icky!  The tomatoes themselves are innocent, and I love the role they play in pasta, pizza, and chili, but the taste and texture of raw tomatoes make me gag.

 Maybe I just didn't like the taste of the woman’s negativity.  But I love her contributions to the project, and she is a dedicated worker. 

This is not the full story about negative judgments.  Sometimes people give me a bad taste because my ego feeds me ideas about how bad they are.  But I find the tomato analogy useful.

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