Monday, October 21, 2013

Etc., Etc., Etc

On December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza killed 20 students and 6 staff members at Sandy Hook elementary school.  Like many who learned of this tragedy, I was stunned and began reading a lot of articles about gun policy in the U. S.  I was reading so much, I decided to reactivate my blog and start posting some of the things I was learning.  I wrote eleven posts in December, seven about gun policy.  Looking back at January and February, I can see I had already mostly stopped writing about guns.  I guess there’s only so much one can say, but there is also a feeling that I’ve just given up.  I joined two groups, Moms Demand Action and Americans for Responsible Solutions and sent them donations.  I’ve sent letters to my representatives and read their lame replies about how they support the second amendment.

Everyday, guns kill people, often in suicides that don’t make the news or statistics.  Today, there was another shooting in a middle school, another reminder to grieve and send letters to my legislatures.

Late last December, I posted the question, how many people have been killed by guns since Newtown?  The answer was 160.  Today, the answer to that question is 9,675.  What's next?

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