Tuesday, October 08, 2013

My Values Are Better than Your Values!, cont.

A man I was once close to said to me, “I know I’m right; I’ve thought about his.”  I didn’t have it in me to laugh, but this statement had a humorous side.  He implied that only he thought about things when of course, I had thought about it too and arrived at a different conclusion.

Since I was “in love’ with this man, it hurt, but even then, I knew it was funny.  Maybe all this fighting and drama of American politics has embedded in it a large chunk of humor too.   However, there is tragedy and suffering as well.

When I repost the articulate arguments from the analysts on my side of the issue, it’s all beautifully clear.  When I try to care about all sides, it becomes an inarticulate mess.  I don’t believe all sides are equal, but there is a theory, that everyone is doing his or her best.  What if that is true?  If we believed it, wouldn't we try to find a new way to communicate?

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