Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dreamy. Soothing. Knitting?

The Dish posted this quotation form Jenny Diski’s longarticle on knitting.  As someone who meditates and goes to the gym, I was interested in her comparisons.  Maybe when I have time, I’ll read her whole article.  Maybe I'll finish knitting the scarf I started two years ago.

As everyone says who knits, there is a dreamy, calming pleasure to knitting. You want to do more. The edges of anxiety are rounded off, you can feel the drip of endorphins soothing the rat in the solar plexus. Needles clicking, mind half on the pattern, half drifting. People liken it to meditation and gym work. I’ve done both, and it’s true. Trancelike sometimes. That simple repetitive work with the hands has a tranquillising effect is not a new insight, but it does work.

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