Friday, November 15, 2013

Writing My Heart Out

On October 31, I wrote that November is National Novel Writing Month.  The challenge is to write a 50,000-word novel during the month of November.  That’s short as novels go, but it’s a lot to do in a month.  So far I’m on schedule.  Last Sunday was very busy but I was a few hundred words ahead so I caught up in a couple of days. 

This has been a surprisingly energizing project.  That’s one reason I like it.  The other reason is surprises.  On Tuesday, my protagonist, during a phone call to his girlfriend, asked her to marry him.  I didn’t see it coming, but it felt right.

Most of us have experienced getting lost in a novel.  It’s even more intense when the novel you get lost in is one you are writing.

I’ve passed the halfway mark.  But I still don’t know if I’ll be writing on November 30.  Mostly, I just take it one day at a time.

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