Monday, November 04, 2013

Resisting Obamacare

I can’t resist this powerful, partisan, political commentary from Michael Tomasky:
Someone I know asked the other day: Has there ever been a law in the history of the country as aggressively resisted by the political opposition as this? Republicans didnt do this with Social Security. Most of them voted for Social Security. They didnt do it with Medicare. They, and the Southern racists who were then Democrats, didnt do it with civil rights. There was a fair amount of on-the-ground opposition to that, but it wasnt orchestrated at the national level like this was. And when the Voting Rights Act was passed the year after civil rights, Southern states in fact fell in line quickly. Check the black voter-registration figures from Southern states in 1964 versus 1966. Its pretty amazing. 
No, to find obstinacy like this, you have to go back, yes, to the pre-Civil War era. The tariff of 1828, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which led to the civil war in Bloody Kansas and ultimately to the Civil War itself. Not  comforting thought. But its where we are.
(Thanks Sullydish) 

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