Friday, November 20, 2015

Cloud Therapy

I love this advice from Pema Chödrön (Taking the Leap, page 71).

The next time you’re getting worked up, experiment with looking at the sky.  Go to the window, if you have one in your home or office, and look up at the sky.  I once read an interview with a man who said that during the Second World War, he survived internment in a Japanese concentration camp by looking at the sky and seeing the clouds still drifting there and the birds still flying there.  This gave him trust that the goodness of life would go on despite the atrocities he was witnessing…Taking a moment to look at the sky or taking a few seconds to abide with the fluid energy of life, can give us a bigger perspective—that the universe is vast, that we are a tiny dot in space, that endless, beginningless space is always available to us.

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