Friday, April 06, 2007

Thinking about Spain

These boots are almost like mine, and I'm getting ready to wear my boots on a hike through Spain. I was happy to find this poem by Billy Collins. He thinks about walking to Spain, I about walking through Spain, and both of us, a little bit, about magic. I just "discovered" Collins a few weeks ago when my yoga teacher read one of his poems during relaxation. You can hear him read others works here.

Walking across the Atlantic
By Billy Collins

I wait for the holiday crowd to clear the beach
before stepping onto the first wave.

Soon I am walking across the Atlantic
thinking about Spain,
checking for whales, waterspouts.
I feel the water holding up my shifting weight.
Tonight I will sleep on its rocking surface.

But for now I try to imagine what
this must look like to the fish below,
the bottoms of my feet appearing, disappearing.

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