Saturday, April 13, 2013

I Don't Ask for Much

A friend asked, “I don't think I understand what your position is concerning gun control. Do you think that individual, private ownership of firearms by US citizens is a good thing or a bad thing?

I think individual ownership of guns is an unavoidable thing.  I grew up on a farm and there were guns in the closet.  They were used to kill game which was part of our harvest.  I think some people have legitimate uses for guns, but too many gun owners don’t see to be responsible owners.

 I support universal registration of guns.  I think a registry of gun ownership would be just fine.  Keeping guns away from mentally unstable people requires a lot of thought, and I’d like to see a serious start to that conversation.

I support a ban on assault weapons. 

I would like to see present laws enforced.

As I study this issue, I will probably support some other restrictions.  Yesterday I read about safety latches on guns that would keep children from accidentally shooting people.  That sounds very helpful.

I would like to see our legislators operate independently of the NRA.  I would like to see my legislators earn a D or F from the NRA.  I would like to see a reduction of the gun culture.  I would like to see our legislators have sensible concerned conversations about this issue and not be cowed by the NRA.


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