Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Gun Report

For approximately two month, Joe Nocera and his assistant Jennifer Mascia have been publishing a blog in which they “aggregate articles about shootings from the previous day.”  I discovered  “The Gun Report” at the New York Times website.  I don’t know how often I can stand to read their lists of shootings, but in my mind, it makes my congressman’s line about supporting the second amendment sound pretty lame.


Nocera writes, “Of all the stories we link to, the ones I find hardest to read are those about young children who accidentally shoot themselves or another child. They just break my heart. Yet Jennifer and I find new examples almost every day.”  He goes on to suggest that guns, like medicine bottles, should be child-proof.  The technology to do this already exists, but the NRA “claim[s], absurdly, that a gun that only can be fired by its owner somehow violates the Second Amendment.”

According to Nocera, "In mid-April, Representative John Tierney, a Massachusetts Democrat, plans to introduce a House bill requiring that all guns include personalization technology within two years."  Like air-bags and child proof lids, this change will require pushing and effort.

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