Monday, May 06, 2013

Energy Efficient Food, continued

“The fastest way to reduce climate change…just requires us all to eat fewer animal products,” says an article at  David Sirota says, 
[W]hen you account for feed production, deforestation and animal waste, the livestock industry produces between 18 percent and 51 percent of all global greenhouse gas emissions. Add to this the fact that producing animal protein involves up to eight times more fossil fuel than what’s needed to produce an equivalent amount of non-animal protein, and you see that climate change isn’t intensified only by necessities like transportation and electricity. It is also driven in large part by subjective food preferences — more precisely, by American consumers’ unnecessary desire to eat, on average, 200 pounds of meat every year. 
Depending on how much you enjoy eating meat, this is good news.  It doesn’t require a lot of infrastructure investments, just a change of cultural habits.

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