Sunday, May 12, 2013

Songs My Mom Used to Sing

It was interesting listening to "I Love You a Bushel and a Peck:" Mom only knew some of the words. I don't know if I've ever heard the whole song before I looked it up today.  It's kind of cool.

It was harder to find a video of "You Are My Sunshine."  The one I found is a bit strange.  I also learned that this is the state song of Lousiana and you can get is as a Ricky Nelson ring tone.

Oh my gosh!  I found this video of "Maizy Doats" and started crying.  It's a regular time travel machine.


Mary said...

As they can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl.

Unknown said...

we are made of unknown stuff.
who knows when something will make us cry? my theory is that at some point we will face that unknown stuff.

mstuder said...

These must have been all been toaught at "Mother School," because my mother sang them all to us! Her special song to me was "You are My Sunshine"

btw, do little lambs eat ivy?