Thursday, May 16, 2013

How did they get to Sesame Street?

I love this account of how Sesame Street became Sesame Street: 
The name Sesame Street is credited to Virginia Schone, a writer for the show. Almost everyone on the staff disliked the name. There was concern that young children would have trouble pronouncing it. But time was running out and the show needed a name. Finally, Executive Producer Dave Connell put out a memo to the staff saying “if nobody came up with a better idea, as of Monday we were going to call it Sesame Street.” As Joan put it, “We went with it because it was the least bad title.” 
Creativity is a funny thing.  It’s hard now to imagine the show named anything else.  Now, of course, we associate the name with all manner of cuteness.  But still, The Video Classroom and 1-2-3 Avenue B., names that were also considered, just couldn't have been as catchy.

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