Sunday, April 28, 2013

Tired of Terroists and Guns

I’m tired of reading about guns, gun control, and the second amendment.  And I’m tired of reading about the Boston bombing and terrorism.  But still, I can’t resist posting a bit from the New Yorker website by John Cassidy called “What If the Tsarnevs Had Been the ‘Boston Shooters’?”  From the title you can tell you will be asked to make a strange leap of imagination.  If you aren’t too tired of reading about these things yourself, you can read this excerpt or the whole thing.

If you’re a terrorist, this will happen: 
Set off in a public space a couple of crude, homemade bombs that you appear to have made using a recipe on the Web, and the state will make you Public Enemy Number One. To insure that you are caught and punished, there are virtually no lengths to which the authorities won’t go. They’ll assemble a multi-agency task force overnight, calling on some of the enormous investments in hardware, intelligence, and manpower that have been made since 9/11. They’ll haul in anybody who might be remotely connected to the crime scene, and, if necessary, shut down an entire city. Once you’re caught, they’ll interview you in your hospital bed without reading you your legal rights and then charge you with using W.M.D.s. If you weren’t born in this country, there will even be talk about changing the immigration laws. 
On the other hand, 
If you systematically shoot a classroom full of defenseless six-year-olds and blow off your own head, things proceed rather differently. To be sure, you, or your memory, will be hated and vilified. But the political system, in hock to the N.R.A., will classify you as a nut whose deadly actions have few or no policy implications. (With the demise of the gun-control legislation, that’s what it did with Adam Lanza.) Life and politics will go on as normal. The President will probably visit the scene of your outrage and say consoling things to the families of your victims. He’ll mean what he says, but he won’t be able to do much about it, and nobody will ask why the F.B.I. or the C.I.A. didn’t realize you were such a menace to society and lock you up preëmptively. Crazed shooters, after all, are something we’ve grown used to.

I have no comments;  I’m just too tired.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I blame our political leaders for terrorist attacks around the world and in this country.I blame them for the hatred for the United States which exists across the world. I blame them for pouring trillions of dollars into military equipment.Their values and morals are corrupt.